Monday, 9 February 2009

The long and winding road

It's been a long time since I have been able to train, but this weekend gave me hope. And hope, it seems, has been the only thing that has kept me going since my injury back in June 2007. That and the patience and support of my partner, Duncan.

My activity has been limited, but I am slowly progressing towards being able to do more and more. There were times, especially last October, when I had days when I was unable to get our of bed, let alone walk, swim or do anything vaguely active. And I guess it's those days I have to keep in mind when I get frustrated that I cannot run - there are now several more activities that I can perform without pain.

Pilates has been my savior, and I recommend anyone with back trouble to get involved. It was in fact not advisable to start while I still had radiating pain, but I did and the results were felt from the first 5 weeks. I now perform the mat sequence religiously every morning - it sets me up and makes me feel strong for the day.

So, last week, for the first time in about 6 months, I got back onto the road bike. Although I hoped with all my heart that I would get no pain (during or after) I had been in that place before several times in the last two years, when after 10 minutes in the saddle I would get the all-too-familiar pain and tingling down the leg. I waited... and waited... and it never came! Not after 20 minutes, not after 30, not after the first hour.

I stopped while I was ahead. And felt ecstatic. Like I had won a race. And in a way I had.

The road is long and winding.

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